By Thomas Conner
© Tulsa World Relax — our three little cherubs are alive and well. A rumor is making the rounds that Zac Hanson, the youngest of the Tulsa-native hit trio Hanson, was killed in a bus accident in Europe. It's not true. Of course, he is the barefoot one on the album cover, and “MMMBop'' played backwards does sound like, “Zac is dead.'' (It's a joke, kids. Ask your parents.) Sources at Hanson's record label and management group confirmed on Friday that the rumor was just that — and not a very funny one, either. “You must be a star when rumors like this start floating around about you, even if it is kind of sick,'' said Jolynn Matsamura, publicist at Mercury Records. Students at Jenks East Middle School were crying in the halls on Friday morning when the rumor reached the Tulsa circuit. A Jenks counselor said the rumor created “quite a stir'' and that students were “all in a twit'' upon arriving at school. “Everyone was freaking out,'' said Jenks seventh-grader Mary Ellerbach. “We were all crying.'' Most students said they had been told that someone else had heard the report broadcast on KHTT, K-HITS 106.9 FM. However, the station denies reporting the rumor. “We never announced it. After a lot of calls about the news, though, we called Hanson's agent in Los Angeles, found out it wasn't true, and reported that,'' said KHTT operations manager Sean Phillips. A Jenks student's mother who knows the Hanson family verified the rumor as false and relayed the information to the school. “Then all the kids chilled,'' a counselor said. The rumor apparently originated in Europe and came ashore via the Internet. It was in Oklahoma by mid-week; callers to a Thursday night radio show on KSPI in Stillwater (which featured the Tulsa band Fanzine) already were asking, “Is it true?'' Comments are closed.
Thomas Conner
These online "clips" reproduce a self-selection of my journalism (music etc) during the last 20+ years. It's a lotta stuff, but it only scratches the surface. I do not currently possess the time or resources to digitize the whole body of work. These posts are simply a bunch of pretty great days at the office. Archives
September 2024