This post contains my complete running coverage of this annual festival ...
© Tulsa World Brush off the black coat and polish the white shoes. This year's Reggaefest lineup is gonna get you skankin'. By Thomas Conner 06/27/1997 Each year when Interfest organizer Tim Barraza brings over the schedule for Tulsa's annual Reggaefest, the list of acts he has booked for lil' ol' Tulsa raises brows around the newsroom. It's that ""Wow, they're coming to Tulsa?'' look, and it instills the respect for this festival it so richly deserves. This year's line-up, when you stop to look at the roots of these acts, is nothing short of jaw-dropping. Friday night is particularly astonishing, a night set aside for several of the finest contributors to ska music — if not the founders themselves. A couple of local favorites introduce the Saturday vibe before DJ pioneer Tony Rebel and the Queen of Reggae herself, Rita Marley. Pack your sunscreen and take a look here at who's gracing the River Parks stages this weekend: The Blue Collars Aside from being the only ska band in town, the Blue Collars are amazingly adept. Since wowing the crowd two months ago at an outdoor festival show, they've been landing gigs in clubs all around Tulsa — at least, the ones that will admit these thoroughly under-age players. (The keyboard player is in the eighth grade, and the rest are high schoolers.) The septet fell into playing ska when, still playing punk, they signed on keyboard player Charles Halka who showed the others the magic of synthesized horns. ""We decided, hey, let's give this ska thing a try,'' said drummer JoJo Hull, and soon three live horn players were added. ""It's amazing how this stuff gets to people,'' Hull said. ""Ska seems to be easier for people to listen to than straight punk or reggae. Most of our songs, too, don't have truly deep meanings. They're about girls and being in love and stuff in life that's not so important.'' The song ""Bros. Before Hose,'' for instance, sprang to life after Hull lamented the demands of a girlfriend who complained he spent too much time with his bandmates. He chose the bros. over the hose, get it? The Toasters The Toasters grew out of ska's third wave in the early '80s, the years 2-Tone Records created such a revolution in Britain with acts from Madness to the Specials. With their own record company, Moon Records, boasting such strong new ska talent — including the Scofflaws, Skavoovie and the Epitones (in Tulsa earlier this week), and the Dance Hall Crashers — they're poised as ushers for the latest ska craze. The Toasters released their first single in 1983 and have been touring pretty much ever since — occasionally knocking out clean studio albums, some produced by Joe Jackson — tirelessly preaching the salvation of ska to audiences that are consistently surprised by the music's energy and history. ""I think a lot of people are surprised to learn that reggae came out of ska music and not the other way 'round,'' said guitarist Rob ""Bucket'' Hingley. The band is supporting its latest album, ""Hard Band for Dead.'' The Skatalites Whether or not you've heard of the Skatalites — and, believe me, every serious ska fan out there had a small cow when they heard this bunch was on the bill — the one thing you need to understand is that the presence of them on this festival's line-up was the bait that lured in the other ska acts. The Skatalites, you see, might as well have — and perhaps did — invent this form of music, the precursor to reggae itself. The influence the Skatalites have had on ska and so much music beyond it is incredible considering the original band was only together for 14 months and made pitiful few records during that time. The first 10 members came together in 1963 when ska was just taking off in Jamaica. They were left rudderless in 1964 when the embodiment of the band's spirit and energy, trombonist Don Drummond, murdered his wife and was committed to a sanitarium. After that, the Skatalites fell apart, and ska's laid-back child, reggae, came ashore in America and Europe. Those 14 months were exciting enough to attract the attention of numerous future rockers like the Clash's Joe Strummer and the Toasters' Rob ""Bucket'' Hingley. The influence of the Skatalites started showing up in their work in the late '70s and early '80s. Madness brought black-and-white checks back to the mainstream, and the Specials scored a hit with a Skatalites cover, ""Guns of Navarone.'' The new interest in ska led the remaining Skatalites to reunite at the 1983 Reggae Sunsplash festival in Jamaica, and the fresh energy in the band kept them together again. A new studio record, ""Scattered Lights,'' was out on the Alligator blues label the following year, and a cassette issue of a live show soon followed. The magic was back, and by 1995, the Skatalites won a Grammy nomination. The Long Beach Dub All-Stars Eric Wilson and Bud Gaugh ran into each other on Big Wheels when they were kids, and they've been hanging out together ever since. As the rhythm section for singer-guitarist Brad Nowell in Sublime, they pushed reggae-drenched music to the top of the pop and alternative charts, where two of those songs still linger. After Nowell died last year of a heroin overdose, Wilson and Gaugh wisely chose not to wallow, to instead ""keep it positive'' and continue moving the music forward. Sublime was never really a ska band, but pinning down the new Wilson-Gaugh project is even more difficult. With nine people in the band — drawn from the session players who helped round out the one and only Sublime record and some of the shows — the sound of this group is definitely textured. The tight reggae grooves are embellished with plenty of scratching, hip-hop beats, horn riffs and the attention-getting toasting of leader Opie Oritz. The bunch came together last year for a benefit show to raise money for Nowell's son, and the musical concept has held them together for a few more shows since. But the cohesion is likely not strong enough to make this the next touring and recording outgrowth of Sublime. This line-up has performed only about five shows together. "This show should be a rare treat for the audience out that way. It'll probably be the only show we do anywhere near the Midwest,'' member Michael Happoldt said. Tribe of Souls Talking with the members of Tulsa's own Tribe of Souls reminded me of one of the joys of Reggaefest: talking to musicians who are so incredibly sincere about all those peace and love messages in this kind of music. It was difficult to get a word in among bass player Al Hebert's proselytizing, and that's OK by me. "Love is a learned process,'' he would say. ""There is goodness out there. Love is definitely something you fight for, whether in yourself physically, mentally or spiritually. We get out there with that message and encourage people to find the best in each other and themselves.'' I don't get to print things like that from other bands. Only in June. That Tribe of Souls is appearing at this year's Reggaefest is a bit of an accomplishment considering the band formed about three months ago. Hebert had been languishing in town after the club gig he moved in for collapsed. He'd worked on some songwriting with then-Local Hero guitarist Brian Simmons and Jacob Fred Jazz Odyssey drummer Sean Layton, but with the demands of each player's other bands, nothing materialized. Then Simmons and Hebert auditioned an unknown drummer named Charles Butler. Despite never landing a professional gig before, the two agreed that Butler was the kick they were looking for. Soon Simmons amicably departed Local Hero and the trio became Tribe of Souls. Local Hero We ran a story last weekend about one local band's growing nationwide acclaim, as usual overlooking one of Tulsa's most impressive exports: Local Hero. This straight-up reggae band has played all but one or two of the 12 Tulsa Reggaefests and have been offering their powerful peace to audiences around the country for almost as many years. This summer is another busy one for the local heroes, playing festivals in Colorado and Iowa as well as regular gigs across the country. If you didn't catch them at Mayfest, this may be your first chance to see the band with original guitarist Kelly Campbell back in the fold. After Brian Simmons left the band to form Tribe of Souls, Campbell drifted back in, mostly as a result of Local Hero member U-E Flannery occasional sitting in with Simmons' other project, Bubble. Flannery said that a final mix for a third Local Hero CD could be finished this week, meaning it could be on shelves by Labor Day. The Reggae Cowboys Now here's something an Oklahoma audience can get into: a reggae band with a fixation on the American West. Their fliers actually read, "Y'all come forward and check the riddims!'' "One in seven cowboys was black,'' singer-guitarist Bird Bellony is quick to point out. "Bill Pickett actually invented the sport of bull-dogging.'' The West Indies meets the Wild West! The group's latest CD opens with a version of "Hang 'Em High'' that conjures images of tumbleweeds rolling down the beach, spaghetti westerns filmed in Trenchtown, dusty loners meeting in the middle of main street to toast each other instead of drawing guns. The album closes with a take on ""Hotel California'' that shimmers with an eerie vibe with its epicenter somewhere near Roswell, N.M. Tony Rebel Mainstream audiences might know Tony Rebel from his hit with Queen Latifah, "Weekend Love.'' Reggae fans know him from his most recent album, "Vibes of the Times,'' which lingered on top of the reggae charts for months. He's an influential DJ — sometimes referred to as the Bob Marley of DJs — and the leader of a new movement in dancehall music. His first hit was the song "Fresh Vegetable'' in 1989. Since then, he has maintained an unbroken string of reggae hits while developing and producing the work of other reggae stars like R&B-flavored reggae sensation Diana King. Billboard magazine called him "an awesomely gifted toaster ... unmatched in the dance hall.'' Rita Marley What Reggaefest would be complete without a Marley on the bill? (Paging Ziggy: Please phone in.) This year, it's Bob's wife, Rita — the woman who dried her tears after Bob's death ("No Woman No Cry,'' after all), picked up the banner of his music and message and kept the procession marching forward. Rita Anderson, born in Cuba and raised in Trenchtown, Jamaica, met young Robert Nesta Marley in the ghetto, and their similar musical callings bonded. They were married in 1966, and by the early '70s, she had formed the I-Threes (Rita, Judy Mowatt and Marcia Griffiths) to harmonize behind Bob, who had become the first reggae act to land an international record contract. From that moment on, Rita was at Bob's side throughout his triumphant career. She took the stage with him at the Smile Jamaica Concert in 1976, three days after both were injured in an ambush at a rehearsal studio (56 Hope Road, now the Bob Marley Museum). She was part of the One Love Concert when Bob symbolically joined the hands of the leaders of Jamaica's two opposing political parties. She was there at the end when Bob died of cancer in 1981. She carried on and organized the World Music Festival in Jamaica in 1982, a concert featuring every huge name in reggae plus leading crossovers from the Grateful Dead to Joe Jackson, and that's where she received her official title as Queen of Reggae. Reggaefest '97 Dishes Up River Parks Groove By Thomas Conner 06/30/1997 The Friday night crowd at the 12th annual Reggaefest was pumped up. People were packing in close to the stage, and the heat of the day along with the concentration of bodies was adding to everyone's giddiness. The Toasters had gotten everyone's blood pumping, and now they were chomping at the bit for the night's big name: the Long Beach Dub All-Stars, remnants of the hit-packed band Sublime. So when drummer Bud Gaugh slipped on stage to test his drums for the sound check, the frenzied crowd went even wilder. Engineers were still on stage, bewildered at the response. The crowd thought the band was beginning, and the band decided to go ahead and gratify them — about 40 minutes early. Since they got such a head start, flustered-but- amused Reggaefest organizer Tim Barraza told the band to drag out the set. And they did, particularly at the beginning. This eagerly awaited supergroup started off slow and lazy, with nine band members haphazardly wandering around the stage listlessly tossing off riffs and confounding the spotlights. Frankly, for a while they were pretty boring. However, once they offered T-shirts to any women who would flash their gratitude and scores of women hopped onto their boyfriends' shoulders to, um, show their wares, the band suddenly found inspiration and began seriously dishing up the groove. The All-Stars — featuring the rhythm section from Sublime, left adrift after the death of guitarist-singer Brad Nowell — are an unfocused bunch with occasional moments of brilliance. Gaugh has got the most powerful left arm of any drumming circle, and he uses it to pound a tight snare rhythm for the rest of the band to follow. Vocalist Opie Oritz recalls some of the rapid-fire toasting of Cypress Hill's B-Real but with less cartoonish oafery. The jewel of the whole bunch, though, is sax man Tim Wu, a player who can honk a fat ska line as well as pull pure silk out of his battered horn. His versatility, in particular, colored the few Sublime songs (except the hits — legal problems, no doubt) and a surprise cover of the Grateful Dead's “Scarlet Begonias.'' The Skatalites had started Friday off, just as they helped launch the ska genre that eventually gave birth to reggae itself. Sporting six of the original members from 1964, the Skatalites seemed to be showing their age, playing overly extended and surprisingly mellow instrumentals that had more to do with jazz than ska. Veteran alto sax man Lester Sterling and new trumpeter Nathan Breedlove are fine, competent players, but the way they traded off noodling solos over the steady reggae rhythms of keyboardist Bill Smith (and, please, the James Bond theme?) — it was like listening to David Newman and Al Hirt at the Jazz on Greenwood festival, not the booty-shaking party for lazybones they used to be. Jack Ruby saved the day, though. Jack Ruby Jr., that is, son of the celebrated Jamaican DJ and now the lead vocalist for the Toasters. This band ripped through an hour-and-a-half set of, well, everything — reggae, rap, the third-wave ska which they uphold so valiantly, even a swinging jazz number called “Mona'' led by trumpeter The Sledge. Guitarist “Bucket'' Hingley sang quite a bit, too, but Ruby was the showman, jumping all over the stage and dousing the crowd with innumerable bottles of Aquafina (for which he was fiercely scolded by a stage manager after the show — that was the All-Stars' water). Everyone picked up the traditional “skanking'' dance and wore out the amphitheater grass from beginning to end. Tulsa's own Blue Collars served up the most potent shot of ska between Friday's main-stage acts on the second stage. In fact, they drew a crowd comparable to that gathered for the Skatalites. Their original songs are well-composed and hotter than the River Parks asphalt. Charles' Halka's manic trance over the keyboards is the heartbeat for the entire combo to pump out rollicking ska, namely a song called “Purposeless'' with an irresistible “hey! hey!'' chorus. The festival returned to the more laid-back vibes on Saturday, focusing on more traditional reggae, like the easy beats and firm convictions of Tulsa's own Local Hero. Few acts — even reggae acts — maintain the kind of musical integrity and social importance that this band has held together for more than a decade. When singer-bassist Doc James asked everyone to reach out and hold the hand of someone next to you as he sang “Yes I Remember,'' he wasn't pandering or merely trying to wake up the audience; he was simply a shining reminder of what this music is all about. It's religious music. Its messages and its very rhythms are about peace and harmony, and when the band is as attuned and adept as Local Hero, it's very exciting. Later, after a lively preface by Sugar Black and LeBanculah with the Sane Band, Jamaican toastmaster Tony Rebel pushed that vibe forward even further. Sometimes jabbering clearly over a parade march, sometimes toasting with the sense of melody Buju Banton hasn't yet grasped, Rebel talked about God, goodness and love in his songs, even slipping in a verse or two from “Onward Christian Soldiers.'' Before kicking off his encores of “Don't Give Up'' and “Love One Another,'' he sermonized about his love for children and his desire for family units to be stronger. Why does reggae reach people with these messages where Christian music so often fails? Before Rebel came on, the Reggae Cowboys provided an opportune time to wander off to the vendors lining the edge of the festival grounds. This Canadian band's shtick is playing covers (“Hotel California,'' “Hang 'Em High'') and original songs about the American West with reggae rhythms. Five Rasta players in cowboy outfits overusing the word “y'all'' is just odd enough to catch your eye, but the music was too bland to hang an ear on. Tulsa's own Tribe of Souls held down Saturday's second stage with its fat, funky sounds — more funky than Reggaefest has seen in a while. Al Hebert uses his bass wisely as much more than a mere rhythm instrument, walking funky lines in rings around former Local Hero guitarist Brian Simmons' flashy guitar work. Hebert also plays the tambourine with his foot. Ten points for ingenuity. The great fanfare leading to the appearance of Rita Marley included a few songs by her sister, Tahina. Festival organizers got wind that P.J. Allen, the youngest survivor of the Oklahoma City bombing, was in the crowd with his family. They were offered to appear on stage, which they did, quite coincidentally during Tahina's song “Save the Children.'' Goosebumps all around. After an inordinate string of performers from Rita's Tuff Gong label, the queen of reggae finally took the stage before an ecstatic and loving crowd. She returned the love throughout her 45-minute set. During a cover of “To Love Somebody'' (that's right, the Bee Gees), she said, “I love you, Tulsa'' repeatedly while blowing kisses to audience members. Late in her set, she asked, “Do you love Bob Marley?'' Enormous whoops. “Me, too,'' she said, and began singing Bob's “No Woman No Cry.'' Again, goosebumps all around. She plowed through a lengthy medley of Bob's songs, a gracious and dignified part of his legacy. During her encore, she tried to say hello to some of the audience, and she either handed her microphone to the crowd or it was snatched from her. Before she could grab it back, we were graced with whoops and shouts from the frontline crowd. By Thomas Conner
© Tulsa World The pages of a thesaurus easily could be worn thin trying to find the appropriate words to describe Saturday night's Hanson concert at Frontier City in Oklahoma City, but none would better sum up the show's madness and frustration than these two: seven songs. The No. 1 musical sensation in the country finally returned to its home state in a swath of glory, they packed thousands upon thousands of ecstatic young girls and their dumbstruck parents into a venue meant to hold hundreds, they stayed cloistered in their bus before showtime listening to the crowd chant, “Hanson! Hanson! We want Hanson!'' — and they graced us with only seven songs. That's a pile of gall for three kids who were begging for a public gig this time last year. Other bands in their position (with older, stronger audiences) would have been dragged back to the stage — particularly by the sizeable Tulsa contingent that traveled 200 miles round-trip for the Big Event, not to mention paying up to $20 a head to get into the park. Heck, the Mellowdramatic Wallflowers — another Tulsa band more seasoned and deserving of the rocket to superstardom than our young heroes -- opened the show with maybe twice that number of songs. How quickly they forget. They were certainly seven fantastic songs, though, and during that fleeting half hour, the crowd of sardined fans adored their triumvirate of pubescent blonde ambition with the kind of power-drill-in-the-ear screaming that hasn't been heard since the You Know Whos came ashore. The crowd was so huge and so eager to get a decent vantage point on the stage that they were squeezing into the tiny field and crushing the front lines of girls against the barricades. Ten minutes before Hanson took the stage, extra manpower was called in from across the park to reinforce that line of defense and keep the hysterical young'uns from rushing the stage. More than a few were led away for heat exhaustion, despite the afterthought of park officials throwing handfuls of ice into the crowd. When the Fab Three finally jogged onto the stage, they started off with a couple of songs by themselves, letting their a capella foundations show a bit. For “Madeline'' and “Man From Milwaukee,'' Isaac strummed a guitar, Taylor slapped a tambourine and Zac shook a shaker. The harmonies were sweet as ever and further testament to the boys' whopping vocal and performance talents. For the remaining five numbers, the boys went electric along with several other musicians, each of whom lurked discreetly on the back of the stage. For the legions of cynics who wonder, the boys actually do play their instruments, even if they're not always playing the most significant parts of the songs. Every song was hard-hitting and tight, more than thrilling the crowd. The bulk of the signs held up in the crowd were announcing various carnal desires for Taylor, but interest in the young Hanson singer and keyboard player runs far deeper than mere teen-age lust. This boy has soul, and it's evident from the first instant he slouches into a microphone and beats a tambourine. If the boys' career outlives the here-today-gone-tomorrow projections prone to such young acts, Taylor Hanson looks like he's equipped to lead dedicated fans through a lifetime of great and possibly forward-thinking music. It's been a long time since rock 'n' roll had a great white soul man, and I'm sure Tulsa would be proud to say they knew him when. Before any of that happens, though, the kids have got to hook themselves up with a decent tour manager. They played this Oklahoma City gig for free, meaning that each $20 admission from the several thousand fans didn't go to the artists who deserved it. But then again, for seven songs, maybe they didn't deserve a penny. If they are indeed headed straight for Madison Square Garden, they'd better work up a set that offers our money's worth — no matter how adorable they may be. By Thomas Conner
© Tulsa World My head is splitting in two and my eyes feel swollen. For about two hours, I've been staring at several dozen web sites dedicated to Tulsa's own sugar-pop export, Hanson. It's an exercise that, while eventually mind-numbing, is actually quite funny and sociologically telling. The World Wide Web is a sticky wicket in which the ratio of trivial nonsense to actual useful information fluctuates around 9 to 1. Where Hanson information falls into that equation is a bit subjective. But these days, young fans of pop bands do more than create a fan club and titter together at slumber parties. They learn HTML programming and set up a “tribute'' site on the web. The Hanson album hasn't been out for two months, and there are easily 100 Hanson sites ready for search engines to snag. Most of them have the same photographs and the same, misspelled pre-teen gushing about how cute the boys are, and a few are informative, entertaining and goldmines for any sociology student studying mass hysteria. Vicky, a youngster in New York, gets things rolling by swooning all over her page, Vicky's Salute to Hanson ( Along with the ritual photo of the boys on the grass, she introduces her page with this statement: “I dedicate this page to the greatest band in the world (Hanson!). Even though they are already very special, hopefully this page makes them recognize it even more! Luv ya guys!'' If you're brave enough to click on her dedication page, you'll see several paragraphs of unmitigated groveling, including a sentence found on most Hanson sites: “I just wanna say I LOVE YOU GUYS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!'' Actual number of o's varies from page to page. Vicky's site includes some important FAQs (frequently asked questions) about the boys, including “Are any of the Hansons looking for a girlfriend?'' The answer — sorry, girls — is no. Isaac already has one, she reports, and Taylor and Zac say they're too busy to bother. Vicky says that “millions of girls would get down on their knees to go out with one of the AVAILABLE Hanson brothers,'' and, well, I'll leave that one alone. One of many sites titled The Unofficial Hanson Page ( coordinates a running poll of your favorite Hanson brother. As of Tuesday, Zac was ahead with 128 votes, Taylor had 110 and Isaac had 102. Perhaps some of these voters should tune into Lisa's Hanson Page ( and read some of her biographical information, which goes beyond the basic favorite color blather and includes things like “hidden talents.'' Isaac's hidden talent is an ability to imitate Kermit the Frog, Bullwinkle and Butthead. Zac's hidden talent is an ability to speak while belching. Taylor is a cartoonist. That probably explains why, despite that one poll, Taylor is the clear choice for young girls' hearts and web sites. He has numerous sites dedicated strictly to himself. The Taylor Hanson Page ( features a spot where you can post your own declarations of Taylor's cuteness for all to read. The site's author herself writes that when she first heard “MMMBop'' on MTV, she thought “the music was like nothing I had ever heard before.'' In addition to her comparison of Taylor to a young Kurt Cobain, this site serves as a painful reminder of just how old the rest of us are. There's also a Taylor Hanson Fan Club ( and a Taylor Hanson Cult ( If it's actual information you want, look to the official Mercury Records site (—hom epage.html) or the officially sanctioned Hanson site, where the boys receive most of their e-mail ( Another fan site, Weird's Hanson Page ( also has daily updates on the band's media appearances (a thorough listing of magazines — Tiger Beat, Teen, Sixteen, Seventeen, even Bop) as well as some current articles and tour information. This site even has its own Hanson theme song. A Bartlesville fan put up a Hanson site, Landon's Tribute to Hanson (, which includes a few choice tidbits about Landon's family's vague connection to the Hanson family, something including a wedding appearance and a handmade wall hanging. The site even features a constantly updated picture window showing the view of Tulsa from a camera atop the KJRH Channel 2 tower. L.A.'s Hanson Reviews Page ( features numerous reviews of Hanson appearances written by fans. One writer describes the mayhem at the group's mobbed May 7 appearance at a mall in Paramus, N.J. The scene is summed up when she says, “I do not believed(sic) that I have ever screamed so much in my life.'' Other pages feature aimless nattering about the boys and the girls who love them. Ruby, for instance, is a tad defensive about her love of Hanson on Ruby the Droogster's Hanson Page ( She writes, “If any assholes want to make fun of me, I don't give a crap. I can like whoever and whatever I want.'' Other girls are in such a lather they just out-and-out babble. Lisa, for instance, informs us that her guinea pig is named Melody “from the way she bounces around in her cage to ("MMMBop').'' Christine, a 13-year-old in Tuscon, Ariz., on her page, My Hanson and Me Page (, tells us the fascinating features of her life: “I play soccer and the violin. I like to listen to Hanson and be with friends. I collect a lot of things such as rocks and stickers.'' If you still want more, the Ultimate Hanson Links Page ( has links to 86 different Hanson sites, including a Hanson page run by KISS 101.9 FM — a station in Valdosta, Ga. ( Wouldn't it be nice if the boys' hometown radio stations gave as much, if not more, such support as a radio station in Valdosta-freakin'-Georgia? (Must this city's print media do everything for local bands?) Not everyone adores Hanson, though. Plenty of anti-Hanson pages are out there, like the Hanson Haters Page ( This site is under construction — photos are being digitally sliced and diced as you read this — but the page's homophobic creators urge anyone to e-mail them various fantasies to “kill, maim and then desecrate the bodies of the Hanson sisters.'' The Marilyn Hanson Page ( is actually run by a fan, but anyone can enjoy the gallery of Hanson photographs here all made up so that each Hanson looks like Marilyn Manson. There's also another site, whose title I can't print in this general newspaper, which contains adult language and situations concerning the digestion of a particular part of the Hanson brothers' anatomy. Find the other two anti-Hanson pages and you'll find this one. Whatever your take on the three Tulsa young'uns, there's a mountain of gunk out there to view. And it's got Excedrin written all over it. |
Thomas Conner
These online "clips" reproduce a self-selection of my journalism (music etc) during the last 20+ years. It's a lotta stuff, but it only scratches the surface. I do not currently possess the time or resources to digitize the whole body of work. These posts are simply a bunch of pretty great days at the office. Archives
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