#communication #media studies #pop culture #HMC #CMC #STS
#visual studies #holograms #AR #writing #editing #music
#communication #media studies #pop culture #HMC #CMC #STS
#visual studies #holograms #AR #writing #editing #music
Prepping to become a digital hologram, 2015
Media scholarPhD in Communication & STS from UC San Diego. Research critiques discourses about encounters with 3D display tech (holograms & AR) — how they manifest human presence, representation, and embodiment — and visual intersections with AI. Currently a Visiting Assistant Professor of Media Studies at The University of Tulsa, teaching media history, theory, inquiry, pop culture, and journalism.
Culture journalist
20+ years as an award-winning writer, critic, and editor, last seen as the music columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times. Cultural criticism published in The Washington Post, Down Beat, This Land, The Forward, and more. Currently an occasional contributor to the Tulsa World, plus state and regional magazines and media outlets.
The latest
» » » Thrilled to be back as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Media Studies at The University of Tulsa this spring! In addition to my Media & Pop Culture course and Music as Social Action seminar, I'll be teaching two new courses I designed this fall while serving as affiliate faculty — Making the News, Making Media — both created to enhance our student-journalist skill sets and contextual history.
» » » Publication and conference alert: "Haptic Holograms: The Liminal Communication of Emerging Visio-haptic Apparatuses" — our theoretical survey of digital holograms you can touch, co-authored with Jason Archer — is now published in a special section of the International Journal of Communication. We're excited to discuss this and other related projects and theories at the Uncommon Senses V conference, May 7-11 at Concordia Univ. in Montreal!
» » » Publication alert: Watch for my upcoming article about a hologram exhibit at a museum related to the Tulsa Race Massacre, "Greenwood Rising: Immersion and Interpellation," coming in the spring edition of Oklahoma Humanities.
» » » Publication and conference alert: "Haptic Holograms: The Liminal Communication of Emerging Visio-haptic Apparatuses" — our theoretical survey of digital holograms you can touch, co-authored with Jason Archer — is now published in a special section of the International Journal of Communication. We're excited to discuss this and other related projects and theories at the Uncommon Senses V conference, May 7-11 at Concordia Univ. in Montreal!
» » » Publication alert: Watch for my upcoming article about a hologram exhibit at a museum related to the Tulsa Race Massacre, "Greenwood Rising: Immersion and Interpellation," coming in the spring edition of Oklahoma Humanities.