By Thomas Conner
© Tulsa World My head is splitting in two and my eyes feel swollen. For about two hours, I've been staring at several dozen web sites dedicated to Tulsa's own sugar-pop export, Hanson. It's an exercise that, while eventually mind-numbing, is actually quite funny and sociologically telling. The World Wide Web is a sticky wicket in which the ratio of trivial nonsense to actual useful information fluctuates around 9 to 1. Where Hanson information falls into that equation is a bit subjective. But these days, young fans of pop bands do more than create a fan club and titter together at slumber parties. They learn HTML programming and set up a “tribute'' site on the web. The Hanson album hasn't been out for two months, and there are easily 100 Hanson sites ready for search engines to snag. Most of them have the same photographs and the same, misspelled pre-teen gushing about how cute the boys are, and a few are informative, entertaining and goldmines for any sociology student studying mass hysteria. Vicky, a youngster in New York, gets things rolling by swooning all over her page, Vicky's Salute to Hanson ( Along with the ritual photo of the boys on the grass, she introduces her page with this statement: “I dedicate this page to the greatest band in the world (Hanson!). Even though they are already very special, hopefully this page makes them recognize it even more! Luv ya guys!'' If you're brave enough to click on her dedication page, you'll see several paragraphs of unmitigated groveling, including a sentence found on most Hanson sites: “I just wanna say I LOVE YOU GUYS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!'' Actual number of o's varies from page to page. Vicky's site includes some important FAQs (frequently asked questions) about the boys, including “Are any of the Hansons looking for a girlfriend?'' The answer — sorry, girls — is no. Isaac already has one, she reports, and Taylor and Zac say they're too busy to bother. Vicky says that “millions of girls would get down on their knees to go out with one of the AVAILABLE Hanson brothers,'' and, well, I'll leave that one alone. One of many sites titled The Unofficial Hanson Page ( coordinates a running poll of your favorite Hanson brother. As of Tuesday, Zac was ahead with 128 votes, Taylor had 110 and Isaac had 102. Perhaps some of these voters should tune into Lisa's Hanson Page ( and read some of her biographical information, which goes beyond the basic favorite color blather and includes things like “hidden talents.'' Isaac's hidden talent is an ability to imitate Kermit the Frog, Bullwinkle and Butthead. Zac's hidden talent is an ability to speak while belching. Taylor is a cartoonist. That probably explains why, despite that one poll, Taylor is the clear choice for young girls' hearts and web sites. He has numerous sites dedicated strictly to himself. The Taylor Hanson Page ( features a spot where you can post your own declarations of Taylor's cuteness for all to read. The site's author herself writes that when she first heard “MMMBop'' on MTV, she thought “the music was like nothing I had ever heard before.'' In addition to her comparison of Taylor to a young Kurt Cobain, this site serves as a painful reminder of just how old the rest of us are. There's also a Taylor Hanson Fan Club ( and a Taylor Hanson Cult ( If it's actual information you want, look to the official Mercury Records site (—hom epage.html) or the officially sanctioned Hanson site, where the boys receive most of their e-mail ( Another fan site, Weird's Hanson Page ( also has daily updates on the band's media appearances (a thorough listing of magazines — Tiger Beat, Teen, Sixteen, Seventeen, even Bop) as well as some current articles and tour information. This site even has its own Hanson theme song. A Bartlesville fan put up a Hanson site, Landon's Tribute to Hanson (, which includes a few choice tidbits about Landon's family's vague connection to the Hanson family, something including a wedding appearance and a handmade wall hanging. The site even features a constantly updated picture window showing the view of Tulsa from a camera atop the KJRH Channel 2 tower. L.A.'s Hanson Reviews Page ( features numerous reviews of Hanson appearances written by fans. One writer describes the mayhem at the group's mobbed May 7 appearance at a mall in Paramus, N.J. The scene is summed up when she says, “I do not believed(sic) that I have ever screamed so much in my life.'' Other pages feature aimless nattering about the boys and the girls who love them. Ruby, for instance, is a tad defensive about her love of Hanson on Ruby the Droogster's Hanson Page ( She writes, “If any assholes want to make fun of me, I don't give a crap. I can like whoever and whatever I want.'' Other girls are in such a lather they just out-and-out babble. Lisa, for instance, informs us that her guinea pig is named Melody “from the way she bounces around in her cage to ("MMMBop').'' Christine, a 13-year-old in Tuscon, Ariz., on her page, My Hanson and Me Page (, tells us the fascinating features of her life: “I play soccer and the violin. I like to listen to Hanson and be with friends. I collect a lot of things such as rocks and stickers.'' If you still want more, the Ultimate Hanson Links Page ( has links to 86 different Hanson sites, including a Hanson page run by KISS 101.9 FM — a station in Valdosta, Ga. ( Wouldn't it be nice if the boys' hometown radio stations gave as much, if not more, such support as a radio station in Valdosta-freakin'-Georgia? (Must this city's print media do everything for local bands?) Not everyone adores Hanson, though. Plenty of anti-Hanson pages are out there, like the Hanson Haters Page ( This site is under construction — photos are being digitally sliced and diced as you read this — but the page's homophobic creators urge anyone to e-mail them various fantasies to “kill, maim and then desecrate the bodies of the Hanson sisters.'' The Marilyn Hanson Page ( is actually run by a fan, but anyone can enjoy the gallery of Hanson photographs here all made up so that each Hanson looks like Marilyn Manson. There's also another site, whose title I can't print in this general newspaper, which contains adult language and situations concerning the digestion of a particular part of the Hanson brothers' anatomy. Find the other two anti-Hanson pages and you'll find this one. Whatever your take on the three Tulsa young'uns, there's a mountain of gunk out there to view. And it's got Excedrin written all over it. Comments are closed.
Thomas Conner
These online "clips" reproduce a self-selection of my journalism (music etc) during the last 20+ years. It's a lotta stuff, but it only scratches the surface. I do not currently possess the time or resources to digitize the whole body of work. These posts are simply a bunch of pretty great days at the office. Archives
September 2024